By: Tesfaye Gebreab
Translated by: Silvia Nagaa
Abbay Tsehaye has started to be the center of discussion around the issue of the recent Oromia uprising. We’ve been reading also some of his incendiary talks. It sounds like he is exerting a new behavior. Abbay was only known for his passive aggressiveness. Bu he seem to lose control when discussing issues about the Oromia uprising. He and his friends are trying their best to overcome the challenge they are facing; who knows if they succeed?
Recently I had a chat with a former TPLF member, and he said “Your Oromia friends would not succeed; the Amharas would always stay with us even if it is for their own advantage. This is exactly the path of Abbay Tsehaye’s political game. They particularly are interested to prolong their power by creating division between the Amhara and Oromo people. To begin with, creating a language-based federal system was meant to warrant their power by creating divisions between citizens. And they have succeeded in a sense.
Weeks ago, an Amhara student was killed in Bale Robe MedaWelabu University during the Oromia uprising. It was claimed that he was killed in the midst of hostility between Amhara and Oromo students. The father of the victim gave his words to Voice of America saying that his son was not killed by Oromo students, but rather by government agents; and he claimed that the Oromo have no reason to kill his son. This shows exactly the game that TPLF is playing among citizens. Their attempt to turn the Oromia uprising into ethnic skirmish has not hold water. But the latter can happen, if there are individuals who knowingly or unknowingly become instrument for this game.
As we are noticing now the Oromo youth has been doing practices in all five corners of the city Finfinne. We could consider those annual Erecha festivities as a conference of the Oromo people. The Oromo Youth has been under action-oriented training for the past two months, following the last such conference that was attended by millions in Bishoftu. The machete on hands and a motto for armament that we have noticed in Harerge, in the mid of the last January, can be an indication that the training is under finalization. Certainly, the uprising is underway. Even while I am writing this article the Oromo Youth has been under a gun-fight against the Federal Police around Western Shewa and Western Hararge, in Bordede, Meeso, and Asebot. Public demonstrations have also been taken place in Eastern Welega, and in Horo Guduru. It’s becoming obvious that the uprising could not be quelled as TPLF have been wishing to. The later would need to sit down and negotiate with both groups before it falls by the intensifying uprising. Otherwise, TPLF would suffer a sever consequence.
“Moresh” is an organization established by Amharas living in the Diaspora, and it is now claiming that the Amhara people could be at risk if Oromo comes into power. And, TPLF has been disseminating this claim instigating the perceived threat. The latter is using the perceived threat for its own tactics. Abbay Tsehaye’s recent war strategy seems to prompting Moresh to clash with Qeerroo [“Youth” in Oromiffa]. It’s true, that many Unitary group are not happy with the establishment of Moresh. I remember that some Amhara elites criticized the creation of Moresh. It was started to defend against assaults on Amhara people.
Recently, supporter of Moresh said this on Paltalk: “The meaning of ‘Eyerusalem’ [Jerusalem] in Amharic is ‘Ayeru Selam’ [Peaceful Air]; and DareSelam means ‘YeSelam Dar’ [Coast of Peace]. Hence, this is an indication that our forefathers use to administer as far as Israel and Tanzania”. I don’t understand the value of this claim even if we assume that it had any historical merit. Some are making these silly claims about Tanzania while TPLF is working day-and-night to detach Lake Tana, Mount Ras Dashen, and the rivers of Waldiba monastery from the Amhara territory. Descending from a pride of “Tanzania is ours” to laments of “Lake Tana is ours” parallels with Professor Mesfin Woldemariam’s “Yequlqulet Guzo”. It’s really pity. The problem is not of the Amhara people, but lack of vision of its politicians. And it helps TPLF prolonging its power.
I read another silliness while surfing the “Bete Amhara” website. One said: “forget others, why would Gonderes remain silent when our land is appropriated to Sudan!?” This gives an impression that he is assuming that Gonderes have an exceptional patriotism from others. A TPLF supporter piggybacked from this and mentioned that “King Tewodros is a Tigrayan”. On another note, it is to remember, that Berhanu Zerihun told us, on his book “Yetangut MisTir”, that King Tewodros is Qimmant. Now, this creates reason for those that instigate an uprising from Amhara people.
Another one wrote online: “these Tigrayans that are chopping up our lands are those same beggars who use to crowd Gonder; and ‘Tigre MeChohya’ is an example. It is true, that there was a hill in Gonder with that name. Tigrayans use to go there to voice their grievances; not to beg. The name has been used to degrade Tigrayans. But this writer is not aware that this name has been changed now to “Tigre Meznagna” [Tigrayan Amusement]. On the contrary, the Waldiba monastery is now termed “Amhara Mechohya”. Abay Tsehaye was thought rejected when he was assigned to the Sugar production sector during Meles Zenawi’s regime. No one thought about his secret mission to grip control of the Affar area and Waldiba territories and rivers under a pretext of sugar production.
Either way, for Abay Tsehaye to quell public uprisings and endure toward his main objectives, he has to manipulate the gullible segment of the Amhara and Oromo people. These days he is lacking options. He cannot win with excessive power. The game now is a game of intellect. Whether he uses it for good or bad, he still has a good brain. TPLF knows how to keep groups like Moresh busy. It just takes them by the arms and drags them to a direction it wants them to flow. I have a reason for saying this…
Years ago, TPLF did a demographic census and was found that the number of Amharas have decreased below the expected amount. That caused an outrage from Moresh supporters. TPLF then released a fabricated reason for the decrease in a bid obscure the real cause, which went as “TPLF is willfully decreasing the Amhara population by spreading HIV/Aids; by giving contraceptive shots to Amhara women around Bahr Dar”. These fabrications are still heard to this day. There has been a continuous regurgitation of this claim to incite uprising among the Amhara population. TPLF has never tried to counter these accusations, and the Amhara people have not revolted from it.
Suppose, if these claims were verified, and if TPLF was able to still remain in power, then the blame would have pointed to the victim of the crime. There is no brutal crime as severe as this. If any population remains calm after a claim that such crime is inflicted upon it, then either the population became numb or has not believed the claim. I personally think the latter is the case. While there are enough crimes TPLF is already committing why a need for fabricating another one? TPLF benefits when it is accused based on fabricated claim. I think the reason that the Oromo uprising is continuing successfully is because it is raising real demands, not a fabricated ones.
Either way, there are some real facts that caused the decrease of the Amhara population. As we all know, there were perks for being Amhara during the past regimes; particularly during the pre-Derg eras. Hence, there were people that would mark Amhara on different applications, even if they weren’t one. General Tadesse Biru can be one example of such people. Aklilu Habtewold mistaken the General’s identity and offended the Oromo people, because he saw such application that listed the General as from Menz. So many have returned to their own identity after the fall of the Derg regime, since the benefits of being an Amhara has ended. This might have contributed to the decrease of the Amhara population. There also more reasons. The Agew people use to be considered Amhara, but not anymore. For example, the distinguished translator and journalist Mammo Wudneh, the singer Ejigayehu Shibabaw (Gigi) were once Amharas; but the TPLF policy has changed them to Agew. Many of the ANDM members now fill their application as Agew. For example Demeqe Mekonnen, general Abebaw Tadesse, Kassa Tekleberhan, Tadesse Tinqishu, and Bereket Simon’s wife Asefu Finte are known as Amharas but they are actually Agew. The migration of the Felashas [Ethiopian Jews] to Israel has also contributed to the decrease of the Amhara population. For example, journalists like Zenaneh Mekonnen and Alemneh Wase use to be Amharas; but not anymore, they have become Bete Israel. The population of Amhara can actually continue to decrease. The Qimant and Wata (WeyTo) were until recently knows as Amharas. Even Damot and Awramba are now being told that they are not Amharas. They are being pushed out of being Amhara due to TPLF policy. Regurgitating the TPLF fabrication that it is killing Amhara’s with HIV/Aids rather than knowing these important facts just nothing but a joke.
As I have mentioned earlier, if the Oromo people intensify its resistance alone by itself, and if it succeeds to demolish the regime, then it would leave a regretful experience to the rest of other citizens. Advocating for others is an important issue these days. The quest for other citizens to stand in support of the Oromo uprising is not because the latter is weak but is to reinforce the future harmony of people. Those that miss this reality are, in a sense, contributing to the longevity of TPLF’s regime. As recent information indicates, certain element of the social fabric is being destroyed. There is some disappointment among some Oromo elders who have lived long with other Amhara neighbors. Witnessing others standing by and watch while their kids falling in a battle against the regime is something they could not endure. I think it is a grave situation.
Merara Gudina, on his latest book mentioned a scenario of Ethiopia is under a threat of disintegration and collapse. He explained clearly that the biggest issues the Amhara elites have is their dream to cling on the maintaining the ancient Ethiopian structure. He maintains that the Amhara elites are damaging the regional harmony by being assuming exclusive authority over Ethiopianism. He also explained that the Tigrayan elites who are now led by Abay Tsehaye are emphasizing on clinging on power. He did not conceal also that the Oromo elites, these days, are pushing for Oromo sovereignty. There would be no solution if all these elites continue to bite at each other.
Considering the Merara’s harsh criticism, supporters of Moresh and Qeeroo’s approach we cannot see a positive and amicable relationship in the region. But we have to have some hope. Not the type of hope that descends from the heaven but we have to realize that we have to walk more than halfway reconcile with others. That is a path of compromise. It’s not a path of competition; but is a compromise based on reality. The Amhara elites should open the chance for this mediation at least by accepting the existence of Oromia as a state. TPFL should need to wake up from its hallucinations. A government that allowed the establishments of “animal right” organizations should not have closed down the MeCha and Tulema Association; that is not an act that create harmony.
We know that there were people in the past that use to look down on the Oromo. And there are unfortunate beings who have inherited this backward mindset. They are subconsciously providing support to Abay Tsehaye. There is a need to analyze the reality on the ground. The new generation Oromo youth is not accustomed to the degradation. Those that are now battling against TPLF are very alike as the Oromo in the 15th century. The Oromo young cavaliers have been spotted now in Hararge, Ameya, Kereyu, Borena, Leqadullecha, Horoguduru, Ambo, Selale, and in more several other Oromo territories. Finding a middle ground between Oromonism and Ethiopianism is more crucial now rather than denouncing the former. Time has changed right in front of us. A full generation is now ready for action. Regimes called Hagos or Getachew cannot succeed to rule over Tolosa like they did before. There is only one choice for the Oromo and Amhara population to live in harmony in a country called Ethiopia; and that is to accept the truth even the truth hurts and to denounce those that are trying to create conflict between the two people.
Finally, I would like to mention my motive for writing this; and that is because I am concerned about the future of Ethiopia in particular and the Horn of Africa in General. It is true that dealing with this issue with such bluntness would make you victim of those TPLF cadres who graduated from its “Sidibel” (ስድብኤል) [insult] college. However, no one in this region can afford to be indifferent about others’ fate. Whether we like it or not, our chance to improve and develop is intertwined with each other. Solving our problems collectively is the only and best way. Now one can benefit off of others misery. If our issues were distinct from each other we could have said “I don’t care”. It would have been fortunate if it was possible to care less.
Translated by: Silvia Nagaa
Abbay Tsehaye has started to be the center of discussion around the issue of the recent Oromia uprising. We’ve been reading also some of his incendiary talks. It sounds like he is exerting a new behavior. Abbay was only known for his passive aggressiveness. Bu he seem to lose control when discussing issues about the Oromia uprising. He and his friends are trying their best to overcome the challenge they are facing; who knows if they succeed?
Recently I had a chat with a former TPLF member, and he said “Your Oromia friends would not succeed; the Amharas would always stay with us even if it is for their own advantage. This is exactly the path of Abbay Tsehaye’s political game. They particularly are interested to prolong their power by creating division between the Amhara and Oromo people. To begin with, creating a language-based federal system was meant to warrant their power by creating divisions between citizens. And they have succeeded in a sense.
Weeks ago, an Amhara student was killed in Bale Robe MedaWelabu University during the Oromia uprising. It was claimed that he was killed in the midst of hostility between Amhara and Oromo students. The father of the victim gave his words to Voice of America saying that his son was not killed by Oromo students, but rather by government agents; and he claimed that the Oromo have no reason to kill his son. This shows exactly the game that TPLF is playing among citizens. Their attempt to turn the Oromia uprising into ethnic skirmish has not hold water. But the latter can happen, if there are individuals who knowingly or unknowingly become instrument for this game.
As we are noticing now the Oromo youth has been doing practices in all five corners of the city Finfinne. We could consider those annual Erecha festivities as a conference of the Oromo people. The Oromo Youth has been under action-oriented training for the past two months, following the last such conference that was attended by millions in Bishoftu. The machete on hands and a motto for armament that we have noticed in Harerge, in the mid of the last January, can be an indication that the training is under finalization. Certainly, the uprising is underway. Even while I am writing this article the Oromo Youth has been under a gun-fight against the Federal Police around Western Shewa and Western Hararge, in Bordede, Meeso, and Asebot. Public demonstrations have also been taken place in Eastern Welega, and in Horo Guduru. It’s becoming obvious that the uprising could not be quelled as TPLF have been wishing to. The later would need to sit down and negotiate with both groups before it falls by the intensifying uprising. Otherwise, TPLF would suffer a sever consequence.
“Moresh” is an organization established by Amharas living in the Diaspora, and it is now claiming that the Amhara people could be at risk if Oromo comes into power. And, TPLF has been disseminating this claim instigating the perceived threat. The latter is using the perceived threat for its own tactics. Abbay Tsehaye’s recent war strategy seems to prompting Moresh to clash with Qeerroo [“Youth” in Oromiffa]. It’s true, that many Unitary group are not happy with the establishment of Moresh. I remember that some Amhara elites criticized the creation of Moresh. It was started to defend against assaults on Amhara people.
Recently, supporter of Moresh said this on Paltalk: “The meaning of ‘Eyerusalem’ [Jerusalem] in Amharic is ‘Ayeru Selam’ [Peaceful Air]; and DareSelam means ‘YeSelam Dar’ [Coast of Peace]. Hence, this is an indication that our forefathers use to administer as far as Israel and Tanzania”. I don’t understand the value of this claim even if we assume that it had any historical merit. Some are making these silly claims about Tanzania while TPLF is working day-and-night to detach Lake Tana, Mount Ras Dashen, and the rivers of Waldiba monastery from the Amhara territory. Descending from a pride of “Tanzania is ours” to laments of “Lake Tana is ours” parallels with Professor Mesfin Woldemariam’s “Yequlqulet Guzo”. It’s really pity. The problem is not of the Amhara people, but lack of vision of its politicians. And it helps TPLF prolonging its power.
I read another silliness while surfing the “Bete Amhara” website. One said: “forget others, why would Gonderes remain silent when our land is appropriated to Sudan!?” This gives an impression that he is assuming that Gonderes have an exceptional patriotism from others. A TPLF supporter piggybacked from this and mentioned that “King Tewodros is a Tigrayan”. On another note, it is to remember, that Berhanu Zerihun told us, on his book “Yetangut MisTir”, that King Tewodros is Qimmant. Now, this creates reason for those that instigate an uprising from Amhara people.
Another one wrote online: “these Tigrayans that are chopping up our lands are those same beggars who use to crowd Gonder; and ‘Tigre MeChohya’ is an example. It is true, that there was a hill in Gonder with that name. Tigrayans use to go there to voice their grievances; not to beg. The name has been used to degrade Tigrayans. But this writer is not aware that this name has been changed now to “Tigre Meznagna” [Tigrayan Amusement]. On the contrary, the Waldiba monastery is now termed “Amhara Mechohya”. Abay Tsehaye was thought rejected when he was assigned to the Sugar production sector during Meles Zenawi’s regime. No one thought about his secret mission to grip control of the Affar area and Waldiba territories and rivers under a pretext of sugar production.
Either way, for Abay Tsehaye to quell public uprisings and endure toward his main objectives, he has to manipulate the gullible segment of the Amhara and Oromo people. These days he is lacking options. He cannot win with excessive power. The game now is a game of intellect. Whether he uses it for good or bad, he still has a good brain. TPLF knows how to keep groups like Moresh busy. It just takes them by the arms and drags them to a direction it wants them to flow. I have a reason for saying this…
Years ago, TPLF did a demographic census and was found that the number of Amharas have decreased below the expected amount. That caused an outrage from Moresh supporters. TPLF then released a fabricated reason for the decrease in a bid obscure the real cause, which went as “TPLF is willfully decreasing the Amhara population by spreading HIV/Aids; by giving contraceptive shots to Amhara women around Bahr Dar”. These fabrications are still heard to this day. There has been a continuous regurgitation of this claim to incite uprising among the Amhara population. TPLF has never tried to counter these accusations, and the Amhara people have not revolted from it.
Suppose, if these claims were verified, and if TPLF was able to still remain in power, then the blame would have pointed to the victim of the crime. There is no brutal crime as severe as this. If any population remains calm after a claim that such crime is inflicted upon it, then either the population became numb or has not believed the claim. I personally think the latter is the case. While there are enough crimes TPLF is already committing why a need for fabricating another one? TPLF benefits when it is accused based on fabricated claim. I think the reason that the Oromo uprising is continuing successfully is because it is raising real demands, not a fabricated ones.
Either way, there are some real facts that caused the decrease of the Amhara population. As we all know, there were perks for being Amhara during the past regimes; particularly during the pre-Derg eras. Hence, there were people that would mark Amhara on different applications, even if they weren’t one. General Tadesse Biru can be one example of such people. Aklilu Habtewold mistaken the General’s identity and offended the Oromo people, because he saw such application that listed the General as from Menz. So many have returned to their own identity after the fall of the Derg regime, since the benefits of being an Amhara has ended. This might have contributed to the decrease of the Amhara population. There also more reasons. The Agew people use to be considered Amhara, but not anymore. For example, the distinguished translator and journalist Mammo Wudneh, the singer Ejigayehu Shibabaw (Gigi) were once Amharas; but the TPLF policy has changed them to Agew. Many of the ANDM members now fill their application as Agew. For example Demeqe Mekonnen, general Abebaw Tadesse, Kassa Tekleberhan, Tadesse Tinqishu, and Bereket Simon’s wife Asefu Finte are known as Amharas but they are actually Agew. The migration of the Felashas [Ethiopian Jews] to Israel has also contributed to the decrease of the Amhara population. For example, journalists like Zenaneh Mekonnen and Alemneh Wase use to be Amharas; but not anymore, they have become Bete Israel. The population of Amhara can actually continue to decrease. The Qimant and Wata (WeyTo) were until recently knows as Amharas. Even Damot and Awramba are now being told that they are not Amharas. They are being pushed out of being Amhara due to TPLF policy. Regurgitating the TPLF fabrication that it is killing Amhara’s with HIV/Aids rather than knowing these important facts just nothing but a joke.
As I have mentioned earlier, if the Oromo people intensify its resistance alone by itself, and if it succeeds to demolish the regime, then it would leave a regretful experience to the rest of other citizens. Advocating for others is an important issue these days. The quest for other citizens to stand in support of the Oromo uprising is not because the latter is weak but is to reinforce the future harmony of people. Those that miss this reality are, in a sense, contributing to the longevity of TPLF’s regime. As recent information indicates, certain element of the social fabric is being destroyed. There is some disappointment among some Oromo elders who have lived long with other Amhara neighbors. Witnessing others standing by and watch while their kids falling in a battle against the regime is something they could not endure. I think it is a grave situation.
Merara Gudina, on his latest book mentioned a scenario of Ethiopia is under a threat of disintegration and collapse. He explained clearly that the biggest issues the Amhara elites have is their dream to cling on the maintaining the ancient Ethiopian structure. He maintains that the Amhara elites are damaging the regional harmony by being assuming exclusive authority over Ethiopianism. He also explained that the Tigrayan elites who are now led by Abay Tsehaye are emphasizing on clinging on power. He did not conceal also that the Oromo elites, these days, are pushing for Oromo sovereignty. There would be no solution if all these elites continue to bite at each other.
Considering the Merara’s harsh criticism, supporters of Moresh and Qeeroo’s approach we cannot see a positive and amicable relationship in the region. But we have to have some hope. Not the type of hope that descends from the heaven but we have to realize that we have to walk more than halfway reconcile with others. That is a path of compromise. It’s not a path of competition; but is a compromise based on reality. The Amhara elites should open the chance for this mediation at least by accepting the existence of Oromia as a state. TPFL should need to wake up from its hallucinations. A government that allowed the establishments of “animal right” organizations should not have closed down the MeCha and Tulema Association; that is not an act that create harmony.
We know that there were people in the past that use to look down on the Oromo. And there are unfortunate beings who have inherited this backward mindset. They are subconsciously providing support to Abay Tsehaye. There is a need to analyze the reality on the ground. The new generation Oromo youth is not accustomed to the degradation. Those that are now battling against TPLF are very alike as the Oromo in the 15th century. The Oromo young cavaliers have been spotted now in Hararge, Ameya, Kereyu, Borena, Leqadullecha, Horoguduru, Ambo, Selale, and in more several other Oromo territories. Finding a middle ground between Oromonism and Ethiopianism is more crucial now rather than denouncing the former. Time has changed right in front of us. A full generation is now ready for action. Regimes called Hagos or Getachew cannot succeed to rule over Tolosa like they did before. There is only one choice for the Oromo and Amhara population to live in harmony in a country called Ethiopia; and that is to accept the truth even the truth hurts and to denounce those that are trying to create conflict between the two people.
Finally, I would like to mention my motive for writing this; and that is because I am concerned about the future of Ethiopia in particular and the Horn of Africa in General. It is true that dealing with this issue with such bluntness would make you victim of those TPLF cadres who graduated from its “Sidibel” (ስድብኤል) [insult] college. However, no one in this region can afford to be indifferent about others’ fate. Whether we like it or not, our chance to improve and develop is intertwined with each other. Solving our problems collectively is the only and best way. Now one can benefit off of others misery. If our issues were distinct from each other we could have said “I don’t care”. It would have been fortunate if it was possible to care less.